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Mental Health Blog Posts

Impact of Mental Illness on Relationships & Friendships

By |April 20, 2022|Categories: mental illness|Tags: , , , , |

Impact of Mental Illness on Relationships & Friendships Mental health issues or illnesses can wreak havoc on an individual’s everyday life that, in turn, negatively influence personal and professional relationships in the end. Undiagnosed and untreated mental health problems have been reported to harm friendships and relationships more than anything [...]

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What is the Best Way to Support Family Members With Mental Health Problems?

By |April 11, 2022|Categories: Mental Health|Tags: , , , , |

What is the Best Way to Support Family Members With Mental Health Problems? With the world grappling with the outbreak of COVID-19 and all of the government lockdowns that the population has endured, there has never been a greater risk of a family member developing a mental illness. Mental illness [...]

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Emotional Eating and Eating Disorders

By |June 6, 2021|Categories: Mental Health, Self Improvement|Tags: , , , , , , |

Binge Eating Disorder or BED Recently I have had the opportunity to speak about the importance of mental health and my own story with two different groups. One of these groups was my Local Victorian Speakers Tribe members, and the other group was the Murrumbidgee Mens Group in Wagga Wagga, [...]

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The Old Me vs. The New Me

By |April 5, 2021|Categories: Self Improvement|Tags: , , , , , |

The Old Me vs. The New Me Stuck In A Rut Recently I've been in a bit of a funk, a low point, if you will. It's nothing like I usually get to, as in it's not super bad, but it's had me scratching my head wondering what the hell [...]

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How I Conquered My Fears By Challenging Myself

By |February 1, 2021|Categories: Self Improvement|Tags: , , , , , , |

Hey everyone, it's Craig Marchant here, and I'm the author of "Conquer Your Inner Demons: The Ultimate Guide to Better Mental Health", and founder of "Destination Inspiration". And today, I want to talk to you about how I conquered my fears and started living my life on my terms. My [...]

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Grief and Children – They Need Guidance

By |January 19, 2021|Categories: Grief|Tags: , , , , |

Grief and Children The death of a loved one can cause so many emotions and feelings. As adults, we try and take the positive, remembering the good times rather than the bad. The grief process can vary from individual to individual. At least, that’s how I chose to look at [...]

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2020 – That’s a wrap folks

By |December 31, 2020|Categories: Mental Health|

2020 - That's a Wrap Folks As is my tradition, I like to finish off the year with a friendly JibJab year in review video. I grew up watching JibJab and some of their stuff is amazing. They stopped doing them for a while, but I'm glad to [...]

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Mental Illness and Hospitalisation

By |December 16, 2020|Categories: Mental Health|Tags: , , , , , |

Mental Illness and Hospitalisation So the dreaded 'H' word has just been lobbed at you like a live hand grenade and has you ducking for cover while you work out what happens next. Hospitalisation generally happens when one of two things occur: You said the magic words to your GP [...]

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Social Anxiety and COVID-19 Restrictions

By |October 30, 2020|Categories: Mental Health, Self Improvement|Tags: , , , , , |

Social Anxiety and COVID-19 Restrictions Introduction Due to COVID-19, government-imposed restrictions around the world are quite common. Unfortunately, this has had a disastrous impact on our mental health. The mental health system is at maximum capacity, which means its harder than ever to get the timely assistance you may require. [...]

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